ZeroToMastery - Excel bootcamp [compressed]

ZeroToMastery - Excel bootcamp [compressed]

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The only bootcamp you need to become an Excel wizard. Learn Excel Formulas and Functions, Data Visualization, Pivot Tables, VBA Macros, and much more. Start or supplement your career with data analysis and modeling skills & get hired in 2022.

Compressed version, only around 750mb, complete as of 2022.jan.21.
If updates are made after that date course needs to be updated.

Become a top 10% Excel power user to enhance your skillset and career opportunities
✓Build a Budget Project where you create a personal budgeting spreadsheet that teaches you Excel while analyzing your own finances
✓Automate your day-to-day tasks through Macros and VBA
✓Transform and clean text data with Excel functions like LEFT/RIGHT, MID, FIND, SUBSTITUTE, and TRIM
✓Analyze large datasets with Excel Pivot Tables
✓Use Excel for rapid development of data-driven applications
✓Use Excel's extensive collection of visualizations to “tell the story” of even the most complex data in an intuitive and visually appealing way

✓Use Excel's powerful charting engine to tell the story of your data with attractive data visualizations
✓Learn how to build Excel formulas for data analysis, data science, data entry, and everyday office use
✓Manipulate date and time data with functions like DATEDIF and NETWORKDAYS
✓Learn how to work with external datasets
✓Data entry tips and tricks
✓Learn why Excel is one of the most popular pieces of software across all industries
✓Start or supplement your programming journey by recording VBA macros in Excel
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