Yoga International - The Shat Kriyas: Pre-Practices for Asana

Yoga International - The Shat Kriyas: Pre-Practices for Asana

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If you’ve ever been interested in learning more about ayurveda and trying some of its core practices, you’re sure to enjoy author and ayurveda and yoga therapist Indu Arora’s accessible introduction to the shat kriyas. The shat kriyas are traditional yogic techniques designed to balance the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha), enhance mental clarity, and aid digestion. They are often practiced before asana and/or pranayama. In this course, you’ll learn about trataka (a yogic focusing practice), nadi shodhana (a practice for mental clarity), kapalabhati (skull shining breath), agni sara (a practice to stoke your digestive fire), nauli (abdominal churning), and sthula basti (a vata-pacifying practice).

After a general overview of the shat kriyas, you’ll receive six short lectures—each one outlines how a specific kriya works, what its essential benefits are, and the optimal time to practice it. Then, you’ll receive six corresponding practices. In each, Indu teaches you how to establish a good seated (or standing) posture for the kriya, elaborates on the way the technique balances the doshas, and offers you questions for reflection as you finish the practice so you’ll be able to connect more deeply to it.

Enjoy this introduction to a group of techniques that blends well with your mat practice and can enrich your daily life!
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