Ultimate Python 3 | Becoming a Data Avenger

Udemy Ultimate Python 3 | Becoming a Data Avenger

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Join Data Avenger Academy where you become a Superhero of Data!

What you'll learn
  • Python
  • Programming
  • Superhero Knowledge
  • Python skills

  • Access to a computer
  • No prior programming experience
  • Passion for Superheroes
  • Enjoy Maths and Programming

What will you learn at Data Avenger Academy?
LEVEL 1: Introduction to Python
  • Maximizing your Data Avenger experience.
  • Installing in Jupyter Notebook.
  • Helpful shortcuts in Jupyter Notebook.

LEVEL 2: Python Basics
  • Data types: Strings & FRIDAY (Iron Man's natural language AI), Integers & Captain America's shield, Floats & Iron Man's Arc Reactor, Boolean & Thor's Hammer.
  • Variables & New Avenger Facility: Store and retrieve data easily.
  • Data Structures: Lists & Thanos, Tuples & SHIELD, Sets & The Collector, Dictionaries & The Book of Cagliostro (book of evil spells).
  • Data Conversion Excursion: What you can convert and what doesn't work.

LEVEL 3: Infinity Stones of Programming
  • Iterables (Space stone).
  • Built-in and write your own Functions (Reality stone).
  • For loops (Power stone).
  • If Else statements (Mind stone).
  • While loops (Time stone).
  • Try Except statements (Soul stone).
This course also includes frequent exercises and interactive tasks so you practice what you learn as soon as possible.
Who this course is for:
  • Beginner Data Scientist
  • Python students who want to excel their skills
  • People who enjoy Superheros
  • Beginner Python students
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