The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

Udemy The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

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Capturing the Product and Process Design

What you'll learn
  • The Production Part Approval Process, PPAP
  • The 18 core elements of PPAP
  • Where and when PPAP are used
  • The benefits of PPAP
  • An explanation of the 5 PPAP levels
  • A review of the Process FMEA, Design FMEA, Measurement System Analysis, Process Control Plan, and the other PPAP documents
  • A review of an actual completed PPAP package
  • A review of downloadable Excel templates of the PPAP forms
The Product Part Approval Process, commonly called "PPAP", is used around the world in a variety of industries including automotive, aerospace, appliance, agriculture, and heavy truck as the "final gate" before launching a new part into production. The purpose of thee PPAP system is to 1) determine if the supplier understands the part's engineering requirements, and 2) if the supplier is capable of consistently meeting those requirements.
You will learn how and why to use PPAP, the benefits of the system, and a detailed overview of each of the core 18 elements including:
1. Design record
2. Authorized Engineering Change Documents
3. Customer Engineering Approval
4. Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
5. Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
6. Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA)
7. Process Control Plan
8. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Studies
9. Dimensional Results
10. Material and Performance Test Results
11. Initial Process Studies
12. Qualified Laboratory Documentation
13. Appearance Approval Report (AAR)
14. Sample Production Parts
15. Master Sample
16. Checking Aids
17. Customer-specific Requirements
18. Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
By signing up for this class, you not only get 2+ hours of high-quality, practical training on the PPAP system, but also a set of PPAP templates that you can download and adapt to your own organization.
PPAP skills are an essential part of the quality professional's skill set. They are in demand and highly transferable across industries and organizations. The working knowledge of PPAP's you gain in this class will give you the "upper hand" you've been looking for to advance your career.
The class is also fully aligned with the AIAG PPAP manual, and will also fulfill the "Core Tools" auditor training as required by IATF 16949:2016.
Regardless of your industry, if you're looking for solid training on the established PPAP process (without breaking you bank), this is the class for you!! Sign up today.
Who this course is for:
  • Quality managers
  • Quality engineers
  • Quality auditors
  • New product launch specialists
  • Supply chain professionals
  • Manufacturing professionals
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