React.js: Building an Interface

Lynda React.js: Building an Interface

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React.js is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces that display dynamic data. Because of its reusable components and unique data-rendering approach, the interfaces you create with React are flexible, fast, and lightweight. Need another reason to choose React? It's also easy to learn, with these lessons from staff author Ray Villalobos. Join Ray in this practical, hands-on course, featuring a realistic sample project that showcases the strengths of React: an online appointment scheduling tool. Along the way, you can learn key React skills, including handling events, breaking code into custom subcomponents, managing data through props, and setting up sorting and search.
Topics include:

  • Building a basic app with create-react-app
  • Adding modules
  • Creating subcomponents
  • Working with states and expressions
  • Passing data through props
  • Using third-party components
  • Handling events through props
  • Adding and editing records
  • Searching and sorting
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