React and its Ecosystem - A Complete Beginner's Guide

Udemy React and its Ecosystem - A Complete Beginner's Guide

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Learn React.js from scratch! Get a deep understanding of the fundamentals, advanced topics, hooks, redux and more!
What you'll learn
  • Deep understanding of React Fundamentals, Advanced Topics and Hooks
  • Learn the most popular packages that work with React like React Redux
  • Understand why React code is written the way it is written

  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript fundamentals are absolutely required
  • You DON'T have to be a JavaScript expert to take up this course
  • NO prior React or any other JS framework experience is required!

Start from 0 and learn everything to do with React and its ecosystem. This course will be an ever growing course as the react ecosystem is continously evolving. All updates aer of course availabl for free
Content and Overview
Specifically for beginners, this course contains all the fundamentals and advanced topics you need to know, in one place, simplified and straight forward!
If you're looking for a React develoepr job or planning on enhancing your React knowledge, this course will hit you with the utmost clarity on why React code is written the way it is.

We will start with the fundamentals and move on to the advanced topics, and hooks. We then dive into the React ecosystem starting with Redux and move on to working with Forms using Formik. Later on, explore some of the popular packages you tend to use in a React app. Focus on performance optimization and more.
Who this course is for:
  • Web developers interested in learning React and its ecosystem
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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this is best basic React js course thanks for sharing but i don't know how to download this course
Here is tutorials-

Sorry but currently the link is dead wait few days i will fix this