Packt - Microservices .NET Core Masterclass [Video]

Packt - Microservices .NET Core Masterclass [Video]

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Course date: 2021/aug.

Building the microservices is not an easy job. Whenever it comes to any type of distributed system design, challenges such as data consistency, dealing with network issues or latencies, security, testing, monitoring, tracing, deploying and orchestrating the set of independent applications might quickly become a very complex and overwhelming task.

Not only should the software engineer be aware of the typical web API design but such an engineer should also understand very well the event-driven architecture, messaging infrastructure, consistency models, contract testing, or the observability patterns to be able to properly implement and then deploy the microservices.

The aim of this course is to provide specialized knowledge about dealing with such challenges and also introduce a set of open-source, cloud-agnostic tools (Consul, Grafana, Prometheus, Jaeger) that might be of great use when developing distributed applications.
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