ArjanCodes - Next-Level Python: Become a Python Expert

ArjanCodes - Next-Level Python: Become a Python Expert

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Next-Level Python: Become a Python Expert

About This Class

Do you want to expand your knowledge of Python and take your coding skills to the next level? If so, this class is for you! This class will give you a deeper understanding of Python and allow you to write better code much faster.
This is class is curated and contains the topics that I think will be the most beneficial to you if you want to become more skilled at Python.
This is what you'll learn:
  • What type annotations are and why it's important that you use them
  • Advanced usage of classes including dataclasses, properties and more
  • Advanced functional programming using lambda functions, partial function application and more
  • Concurrent programming techniques to optimize how your code interacts with APIs
  • Advanced control logic using iterators and generators
  • And more!
Whether you're mainly using Python to process and analyze data or you're using Python to build complex software applications such as APIs, you're going to really enjoy this class and become a true Python expert.
So, if you're ready - let's dive in!

About Me

Hi there!
I'm Arjan - I'm a YouTuber, entrepreneur and online teacher. I've completed both a Master and PhD in Computer Science and I've been a university teacher for over 20 years, I've launched several and designed and built complete software products from scratch.
On my YouTube channel ArjanCodes I teach software design, development and testing - specifically in Python. A lot of people are learning how to code in Python. They often start with writing simple scripts, but get stuck when the software gets more complex. If you recognize this, you'll find I have a lot of content available to help you.
If you'd like to keep up to date with what I offer, follow my Skillshare profile, and if you like my content and you've got ideas for classes that you'd find useful, just drop me a message/email!
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