Advanced Excel for Sales Managers | Automation & Analytics

Udemy Advanced Excel for Sales Managers | Automation & Analytics

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This course is NOT for Beginners.

What you'll learn
  • Multiple Excel techniques to prepare your sales reports and perform analytics
  • Pivot Table
  • SUMIFS and VLOOKUP for Slabs
  • Date Formulas for After Sales Service
  • Data Preparation for Analysis
  • Data Consolidation
  • Visualization without Charts

  • PC with Installed Microsoft Excel 2007 or Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019.

You can improve ONLY if you can measure. This course uses multiple mini-projects to teach you how to work with multiple Excel techniques to prepare your sales reports and perform analytics.
  1. Sales Visualization techniques WITHOUT using Charts
  2. Find correct sales by extracting Bank Account Codes from unclean data dumps
  3. Analysis Sales by Bucket sizes 0-1000, 1001-2000, and so on
  4. Combine Sales Ledgers of multiple months & Automate the process for next months
  5. Analyze 3-years' sales using Pivot Table
  6. Commission Calculation using different incentive periods
  7. Allocating sales to different agents
  8. Consolidating Sales of multiple products, multiple agents from different sheets
  9. After Sales Service Tracking - Contract Expiry Date, TAT & Response Times

Who this course is for:
  • Intermediate to Advanced Excel User
First release
Last update
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