Best Web Development course?

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Mar 16, 2021
Bro.. Start with website.. Look at frontend roadmap and for each technology, browse different YouTube videos and get a grasp of them. Freecodecamp and laracasts are free websites to help you with individual technologies. And try making small or medium sized projects as u go along. This will be helpful to rectify ur mistakes.
Once ur done with frontend. Go with backend and follow the same.
U could also refer angela yu web development course or andrei neagei web development bootcamp. They're good too.
Happy web developing...


Jun 13, 2021
I am looking for a course related to web development more specifically related to javascript where author explains everything very clearly.
If you want to bank on videos then watch “JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts” that will give you a solid grounding on how javascript works and Tony is one of the best explainer and gifted teacher, I ever came across. And also watch ‘Learn and understand Nodejs’ by him.

For a JS book, you can refer "Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming". But before you go through learning JS literally, first and foremost study Object Oriented Programming. Get your OOP's concepts clear as this will then help you JS in totality and understand how and why the various parts work and interface with each other.

Once you get a handle on JS and its modern ES6 Syntax, then you MUST get your hands dirty with Data Structures, Algorithms and Functional programming. Unless you learn the Data Structures and Algorithms, you will always be shunting yourself between various stack overflow questions and issues. Data Structures and Algorithms will convert you from a noob to a real pro programmer, it will also open your mind to new ways of problem solving.

And one very critical thing to remember while starting on your learning journey, Never jump from one tutorial to another tutorial (resist the temptation), or you will land up in Tutorial hell and loose focus. You will loose years and won't reach anywhere in learning programming. Take one good video tutorial or book learn it thoroughly, take handwritten notes, then apply what you learn on projects. Build small apps, work on improving your programming logic, learning programming concepts and syntax is easy, the hard part is developing the inner logic. Google your problems. And refer to quick read books. Programming comes from doing... Never forget that. Take help of Anki, flashcard system and you should be good to go.

All the best.


Jul 3, 2021
Thanks a ton!!! @shazz . I really appreciate your kind words. This literally has opened my eyes. I really have been stuck in tutorial hell. I really can't move forward than html and css. Now I think it is the time to go with Javascript just as your guide. I really appreciate your help.
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Jul 3, 2021
I had posted this a few months ago and it is still valid:

[GUIDE] Your Guide to Becoming A Full Stack Web Developer

I will be adding more information to that post in a week or so, but for now, this guide will get you started and keep you busy for a long time. Good luck!
That's an awesome guide on becoming a full stack web developer. Thanks for mentioning your guide. I really appreciate that. Very thoroughly written each and every concepts about becoming a full stack web developer. Keep it up going!!!
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