Amigoscode - Advanced Databases

Amigoscode - Advanced Databases

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Dec 12, 2022
They might or might not be the same version. I have no clue, as I do not have a copy of the one in the original post.

It contains 39 lessons and covers the topics below.
  1. Installing Postgres
  2. Datagrip
  3. Installing Datagrip
  4. Configure Datagrip
  5. Presentation assistant and Keymaps
  6. Connecting to Databases Using Terminal
  7. Create Database Using Datagrip
  8. Joins
  9. Inner Joins
  10. Left Joins
  11. Right Join
  12. Full Join
  13. Inner & Outer Joins
  14. Why Transactions
  15. Begin, Commit and Rollback
  16. Nested Transactions
  17. Primary Keys and Indexes
  18. View Indexes Trough Terminal
  19. Create and Drop Indexes
  20. Indexes in action
  21. Multi Column Indexes
  22. Unique Indexes
  23. Partial Indexes
  24. Function skeleton
  25. Create functions
  26. View and Drop Functions
  27. Roles
  28. View Roles
  29. Creating roles
  30. Privileges
  31. Revoking Permissions
  32. Member Roles
  33. What are Schemas
  34. Create Schemas
  35. Schema Search Path
  36. Grant Schema Usage
  37. Backing up Databases
  38. Restore Database
  39. Backup All databases
I appreciate your contribution, thanks a lot!!!!
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