jose salvatierra

  1. localhost

    Udemy Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python

    What you'll learnBuild any feature on any website! Design, develop, and deploy engaging web applications using Flask, Python, and web languages Create your own portfolio website and showcase all the projects you'll build in this course! Become a true HTML and CSS professional without the need...
  2. J

    Udemy The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by Doing

    What you'll learnFrom foundations to expert, learn about every major Python topic, working with Python 3. Write professional-grade Pythonic code with all the best practices and avoiding common pitfalls. Master Object-Oriented Programming and structure your Python programs like a professional...
  3. J

    Udemy The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course

    Ever wanted to learn one of the most popular programming languages on the planet? Why not learn two of the most popular at the same time? Python and SQL are used by many technology companies, small and large. That's because they are powerful, yet extremely flexible. Python is used in the...