TeamTreehouse - Python Complete Course, Workshop and Practice Series

TeamTreehouse - Python Complete Course, Workshop and Practice Series

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Python is a widespread, general purpose, open source programming language used for many different purposes. Focusing on a clean syntax and ease of use, it’s great for beginners and professionals alike.

The Course you will get in this Complete file is follows:-

  1. A Social Network with Flask
  2. Analyzing Books with Panda
  3. Basic Math for Data Analysis
  4. Basic Object-Oriented Python
  5. CSV and JSON in Python
  6. Customizing Django Templates
  7. Customizing the Django Admin
  8. Data Visualization with Bokeh
  9. Dates and Times in Python
  10. Deploying Django Heroku
  11. Deploying Django PythonAnywhere
  12. Django Authentication
  13. Django Basics
  14. Django Channels
  15. Django Class-based Views
  16. Django Forms
  17. Django ORM
  18. Django REST Framework
  19. Django Social Authentication
  20. Flask Basics
  21. Flask REST API
  22. Flask with SQLAlchemy Basics
  23. Functional Programming with Python
  24. Functional Python
  25. Functions, Packing, and Unpacking
  26. Hello Python
  27. Image Manipulation with Python
  28. Introducing Dictionaries
  29. Introducing Lists
  30. Introducing Tuples
  31. Introduction to Anaconda
  32. Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib
  33. Introduction to NumPy
  34. Introduction to pandas
  35. Jupyter Notebooks
  36. Object-Oriented Python
  37. Pipenv The Python Package Manager
  38. Practice Basic Math Calculations in Python
  39. Practice Comparisons in Python
  40. Practice Creating and Indexing Lists
  41. Practice Creating and Using Functions in Python
  42. Practice Input and Output in Python
  43. Practice Python While Loops
  44. Practice Using Strings and Lists in Python
  45. Practice Writing Loops in Python
  46. PyCharm
  47. Python Basics
  48. Python Comprehensions
  49. Python Decorators
  50. Python File 10
  51. Python for File Systems
  52. Python Sequences
  53. Python Testing
  54. Python Type Hinting
  55. Regular Expressions in Python
  56. Scraping Data From the Web
  57. Setting Up a Local Python Environment (Mac)
  58. Setting Up a Local Python Environment (Windows)
  59. Slack Real-Time Messaging API
  60. SQLAIchemy Basics
  61. Structuring Your Code
  62. Tkinter
  63. Understanding Dunder Main (_main_)
  64. Using Databases in Python
  65. Using the Requests Library
  66. What's New in Python 3.6
  67. Write Better Python
And One more thing one course is left in this complete file, i will try to post that ASAP.

Wait, If you found any missing files you can comment below, i will try to post that file ASAP.
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